Akdemir E. (Yürütücü), Taş R., Şahyar Akdemir D., Şeyşane V.
AB Destekli Diğer Projeler, 2022 - 2025
The project named “VOICEU: Values of Interwoven Cultures in Europe” is designed as a Jean Monnet
Module to offer courses, simulation workshops, various events and cooperation opportunities in the field
of European Union integration in terms of cultural dimensions. The project aims at contributing to
increase knowledge and awareness of the target groups about the cultural connections of European
Union to non-EU countries, specifically Turkey through formal courses, Massive Open Online Course
(MOOC), events and workshops. The target of groups of the project is categorized under 4 groups: (1)
Graduate economics and administrative sciences departments (political science and international
relations students) students, (2) Students from other disciplines where there aren’t any European
studies courses, (3) University community, (4) Youth groups, NGOs, civil and official
institutions/organizations’ representatives operating on EU cultural studies.
The Module will be located in Anadolu University in Eskisehir, Turkey. However; MOOC content, events,
simulation workshops and other online and offline cooperation opportunites will be available to other
universities and participants from the society. Considering that there are 3 universities in Eskisehir, the
access to university community and students is expected to be convenient locally. Also Anadolu
University (AU) has an Open Education System with more than 1 million students located in 29
countries including Azerbaijan, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern
America, Saudi Arabia, Iran and various European countries offering 21 bachelor and 42 associate's
degrees. Therefore; the target group of students, university community and other participants from
different societal groups will have access to this online courses, events and dissemination activities.
The Module is relevant to the main objectives of the Action. With regards to EU studies, the project will
contribute to increasing the knowledge and awareness of the project target group regarding the
historical development of European integration, EU institutions and EU decision-making processes. In
this context, both general issues and project specific EU cultural policy and common European common
cultural heritage studies will be analyzed in depth. In line with the views expressed in the needs
analysis, the study is primarily based on explaining and sharing the EU cultural policy's approach to
difference, diversity and respect for national cultures at various levels of the Turkish public opinion.
Although the courses are focused on mainly academic target groups; the target general audience of the
project activities which are local media, other universities, local decision makers and related units, civil
and official institutions such as development agencies will be the participants of the project, provided
that they participate in the project activities and create a working environment together. Thus; this
project will contribute to fostering the dialogue between the academic world and society, including local
and state level policy-makers, civil servants, civil society actors, representatives of the different levels of
education and of the media.
As stated in Article 2 of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU undertakes to protect and advocate the values of
pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men at the
global level. In this framework, both the EU's foreign policy and enlargement policy are built on the
spread, protection and development of these values in the near geography of Europe. Adoption,
recognition and protection of these values by the Turkish public as a candidate country of the EU will
contribute to the development of both the geographical and cultural boundaries of Europe in concrete
terms. These values will be able to reach the geographies that need to be defended more, from the
Balkans to Central Asia through the AU Open Education system. Therefore; the project generates
knowledge and insights that can support EU policy-making and strengthen the role of the EU in a globalized world. With the EU simulation workshops and public events to be carried out within the scope
of the project to bring EU subjects to wider society, it will reach not only university students on campus,
but also various segments of the society outside the campus. For this purpose, awareness-raising
content will be produced through audio, visual, written, conventional and digital media channels. In
addition, awareness-raising materials on the European common cultural heritage such as spot
promotion programs and short films will be developed in these media channels.