JOIN! Journalism Students Improving News Coverage about Türkiye and the EU

Paksoy A. F. (Executive), Cangöz İ., Özçelik A. O., Akdemir E., Özkan Kutlu T., Süllü Durul S., et al.

EU Supported Other Project, 2024 - 2027

  • Project Type: EU Supported Other Project
  • Begin Date: February 2024
  • End Date: February 2027

Project Abstract

Turkey and Europe have a deep historical relationship that has developed over centuries. This relationship cannot be limited to political issues. Economic and cultural relations are also proof of the two sides' need for each other. Just as it is impossible to read a European history without Turkey, it is also impossible to write a Turkish history without mentioning the influence of Europe. In modern times, bilateral relations have mostly been built on Turkey-EU relations. What has happened since the 1960s is beyond the flow of political history and can be considered as a search for identity for both sides.

Although Turkey-EU relations have recently faded in political discourse, the issue is still alive through cultural and educational programmes. This project proposal aims to increase the level of knowledge of Anadolu University, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Department of Journalism students about the European Union through the design of a Jean Monnet Module. The reason why journalism students have been specifically selected is that these students will be the ones who will create media content related to the European Union in the future.

The module mainly consists of two undergraduate courses, namely "European Union Journalism" and "Turkey-EU Relations". Nevertheless, the module content will not be limited to the lectures and the campus, but will also include various workshops, seminars, conferences and visits. In addition, the creation of a news portal on Eskişehir and the European Union, which will be managed by students, will be among the project outputs. In this way, it will have an impact beyond the campus and activities will be organised to reach different segments of the society in Eskişehir.

A research group will also be established within the framework of the module and academic research on the media dimension of Turkey-EU relations will be carried out and ways to produce more qualified news on EU-related issues will be worked on. The project will start on 1 February 2024 and continue until 1 February 2027.