I am a first-generation academic studying, teaching and primarily writing about the question of what makes us a just society.
After gaining my Ph.D. from the University of Manchester/UK, School of Social Sciences – Department of Sociology, I joined Anadolu University/Turkey. Previously, I studied in Istanbul University/Turkey, Middle East Technical University/Turkey, Ludwig Maximilian Universität Munich/Germany and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin/Germany.
I am particularly interested in normative and analytical frameworks of theories on distributive justice, (un)deserved inequalities, social and economic background of privilege, dimensions of poverty as well as various forms of (dis)advantage. I approach these topics by drawing on the broad literature of critical and political sociology as well as political philosophy. Related to this, I have recently started to focus on the formation of morally unjustifiable privileges and (un)fair distribution of rewards in liberal meritocratic arrangements, with a particular focus on the unequal social and economic costs of achieving the good life for (dis)advantaged social-classes, gender identities and ethnicities.
- E-posta
- moarun@anadolu.edu.tr
- Web Sayfası
- https://avesis.anadolu.edu.tr/moarun