15th American Conference on Applied Mathematics/International Conference on Computational and Information Science, Texas, United States Of America, 30 April - 02 May 2009, pp.338-340
This study was conducted to determine the trend in studies carried out in department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies (CEIT) at postgraduate level. For this purpose, a total of 106 documents of theses completed in the department of CEIT - 90 M.A. theses and 16 PhD. Theses - were examined focusing on their subject matters. It was concluded in the present study that the most-studied subject area was online learning, which was followed by technology, teaching-learning approaches, multimedia, individual differences and evaluation, respectively. The least-studied subject area was found to be special education. It was also revealed that the studies were mostly conducted through quantitative paradigm. In addition, according to the results of the present study, the most-studied universe included higher education students followed by adults and elementary school students, respectively. Lastly, most of the studies were found to have a survey design. Especially the M.A. theses involved basic statistical techniques at the beginning, while they included advanced statistical techniques today.