Art Teachers' Views on Strategies and Methods Which Are Used to Achive Attaintment

Goknur S., BATUR M.

3rd International Conference on New Horizons in Education (INTE), Prague, Czech Republic, 5 - 07 June 2012, vol.55, pp.39-46 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 55
  • Doi Number: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.475
  • City: Prague
  • Country: Czech Republic
  • Page Numbers: pp.39-46
  • Keywords: Visual Arts Education Course Program, Art Teacher, Acquisition, Strategy, Methods
  • Anadolu University Affiliated: Yes


Art education because of Visual Arts Education Program which is given in schools has an important place in our education system for discovering and developing the child's abilities and getting the child in community. This research which is descriptive nature, was done to investigate the views of Art Teachers Teaching Program in Visual Arts, which was placed into effect 2005 - 2006 academic year and now being implemented, achievements in teaching strategies and methods used for and to understand the practical implications of the program.