In this study, I will discuss the concepts of sophos and philosophos in Plato's philosophy. I will reach Plato's definition of philosophy by evaluating these two concepts in terms of their connections with each other. I will problematize al-Farabi's interpretation on Plato's philosophy and the concepts of sophos and philosophos. In this context, by questioning how accurate al-Farabi's reading of Plato is, I will seek an answer to whether his theory of prophecy captures the nature of the relationship between sophos and philosophos. Then, by highlighting the differences between philosophos and prophet, I will emphasize that the similarity can be established with sophos and prophet, not with philosopher. Furthermore, whether this similarity is the same or not will be determined through the answer to the question of whether the real singularity and the real event are related to sophos or prophet. In other words, is it possible to claim that al-Farabi gives the centrality to prophet that Plato gives to sophos? In alFarabi's philosophy, although prophet is a figure who establishes the political scene and ensures socialization in this sense, did he build his ontology by centering prophet? Considering that Plato developed not only his ontology but also his entire metaphysical system by centering sophos, does the development of a new metaphysical system predicated on the prophet signify a transcendence beyond Plato's philosophical framework as encompassed by al-Farabi? I believe that my study intends to address these questions, offering a valuable contribution to the academic discussion.