Women’s Employment in the Digitalized World: A Study on Turkey

Erdinç Z., Aydınbaş G.

EconAnadolu 2022, Eskişehir, Turkey, 13 - 15 May 2022, pp.160

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Eskişehir
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.160
  • Anadolu University Affiliated: Yes


Women’s Employment in the Digitalized World:

A Study on Turkey

Zeynep Erdinç

Anadolu University,Turkey


Gökçen Aydınbaş

Anadolu University,Turkey



In a digitalized age, human capital accumulation gains importance in social and economic life day by

day. This rapidly transforming digital age requires the development of human beings and the reduction

of gender equality in societies. The digital transformation of society and economy-digitalization is a

key that will shape the future, it will cause extremely important changes in employment. At this point,

it is important to investigate women’s employment by associating digital transformation for their

significant contribution to economic growth. This study aims to investigate the position of women in

employment in the digitalized world based in Turkey. In this sense, Turkey’s data for the year 2018-

2021, computer-internet usage between men-women, the rate of ordering and purchasing goods and

services over the internet, employment of men-women (agriculture-industry-services) are discussed.

In addition, evaluations were made on the ratio of women-men working in the software industry (%)

and the ratio of women-men (%) working among software developers. As it was found within the

framework of the results obtained in the study, it is noteworthy that even in today's digital world, there

is not a complete equality between men and women in many areas (especially in economic, social and


Keywords: Women’s Employment, Economic Growth, Digitalization

JEL Codes: F43, J21, O33