in: Social E-Enterprise: Value Creation Through ICT , Teresa Torres-Coronas,& Maria-Arantzazu Vidal-Blasco, Editor, Information Science Reference: An Imprint of IGI Global, Pennsylvania, pp.133-147, 2013
Social entrepreneurship is the
demonstration of entrepreneurial behavior aimed to meet the requirements of the
society, rather than generating profit, bearing economic risks, providing
innovative opportunities, having a social goal and value and for social
benefits, and members are comprised of volunteering individuals and groups.
Social entrepreneurs serve in a wide range of areas. Employment is among the
most significant of these. The labor market policies implemented to increase
employment also include education. Education is the power that allows rearing
well-rounded and conscious citizens and building interdependent and
participatory societies. The rapid changes in the communications and
information technologies sectors today have also influenced the educational
sciences. In this chapter, the social and economic benefits provided by the
utilization of the e-learning programs in the trainings provided by the social
entrepreneur organizations, aimed to generate employment, are discussed.