Karaca, E. (2023). Pandemi (COVID-19) Sürecinde Sosyal Hizmette Uzaktan Eğitimin Sosyal Çalışmacı Adaylarının Alan ve Program Yeterliklerine Etkisi, Ordu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, DOI No: 10.48146/odusobiad.1171195.

Creative Commons License

Karaca E.

Ordu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, cilt.13, sa.1, ss.1-24, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi)


The main purpose of this study is to determine how the distance social work education experienced by the students of the social work department during the pandemic process affect the field and program competencies required by the social work profession, through a scale developed. For this main purpose, it has been investigated how the social work students' perception levels of field and program competency during the pandemic process and what the variables affecting these perception levels are. In this research, which is in the comparative type relational survey model, the participants are 414 students studying in Social Work Undergraduate Programs in the 2021- 2022 academic year. In determining the sample size, the number corresponding to 95% confidence level and 5% acceptable margin of error according to the number constituting the research population and the number that is 5 times the number of items in the scale were taken as basis. The data were collected through the “Social Work Department Field and Program Competencies Perception Scale” (SWDFPCPS) developed by the researcher. SWDFPCPS consists of two parts. In the first part of the scale, there are 15 questions to determine the personal and demographic information of the students and their attitudes towards distance education and distance social work education, and in the second part, there are 17 items related to the field and program competencies of social work department on a 5-point Likert-type scale consisting of 5 choices, from 1=Strongly Disagree to 5=Strongly Agree. SPSS 21.00 statistical package program was used in the analysis of the data. Exploratory factor analysis and varimax rotation technique were used to understand whether the SWDFPCPS consists of items measuring the same quality. The reliability coefficient of SWDFPCPS was calculated with the Cronbach α formula, and the relationship between the response given to each item in the scale and the total score obtained from the scale was calculated using the Item-Total Correlation technique. The field and program competency perceptions of the students receiving social work education in Turkey were evaluated using the median, mode and arithmetic mean on the basis of all scales. The results revealed that the scale used in the collection of data in the research is valid and reliable, the distance education process affects the field and program competence perceptions of social worker candidates. At the same time, the findings from this study show that age, satisfaction with receiving social work education remotely, the benefits and effectiveness of the methods and tools used in the distance education process are important variables that affect competence perceptions of social work students.