2nd International Conference on Cultural Informatics, Communication&Media Studies, Mitilini, Yunanistan, 13 - 15 Haziran 2019, ss.68
Traditional data collection techniques that are used in social sciences aretransformed into new forms with today's technological possibilities and they facilitateresearchers to measure the responses of individuals to audiovisual content. Both advertisingexecutives and researchers prefer using traditional techniques, namely “self-reportmeasures”, while trying to learn more about consumers’ purchasing tendencies. Self-reportmeasures are based on consumer’s declaration, therefore sometimes they can be misleading.At this point, it can be said that recent neuromarketing techniques may help to reach theright results. Especially biometric data analyses are used in current communication studies.The biometric data collection tools, which allow use in communication studies, focus onphysiological reactions that users cannot control. The data, obtained as a result of thesereactions, are suitable to be interpreted by the researchers. Galvanic Skin Response (GSR),as one of the biometric data analysis method, is generally used to measure the changes andintensity in emotional arousal. Apart from participants’ statements, the intensity of theiremotional changes can be revealed with the help of GSR signals. In this study, public-owneddeposit banks’ television advertisements that focus on their foundation anniversaries, willbe analysed with GSR. The aim of this study is to measure how voice-over and jingle in adspots influence target audience. Within this scope, emotional changes will be examined withthe help of one of the most popular biometric data analysis methods.