An Overview of the Signs and Graphical Representations Used in Smart Buildings and Cities


3rd International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (ISBS), U ARAB EMIRATES, 15 - 17 March 2017, vol.6, pp.343-349 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 6
  • Doi Number: 10.1007/978-3-319-63709-9_27
  • Country: U ARAB EMIRATES
  • Page Numbers: pp.343-349
  • Keywords: Smart cities, Technology, Visual design
  • Anadolu University Affiliated: Yes


Smart Cities are the names given to technological and environment friendly projects designed to get rid of factors such as bad urbanization, noise, environmental pollution that harm people and nature. Intelligent management of energy in smart cities; if energy efficiency not achieved in this period when the energy resources are gradually decreasing but energy demand is increasing; energy interruptions and high prices are inevitable. Sustainable energy sources such as the sun, hydropower, and wind integrated more and more in the production process, while losses and leaks minimized through information systems that control the network from one end to the other. Transportation intelligence: With the increasing number of vehicles in cities, not only the time lost in traffic, but also the increase in fuel consumption, the increase of carbon emissions and safe driving are the most important issues. In intelligent cities, information technology used to solve transportation, especially traffic. In addition, smart buildings: Today, buildings that consume about 40% of energy will reach 60% as urbanization continues. All living areas and buildings will be equipped with sensors to attract these rates to the lower level. It will be possible to take a number of inland measures such as energy use, security, insulation in the buildings and buildings. All of these intelligent city applications are using visual cues, smart signs and graphical representations. In this study, these demonstrations used in the smart cities examined and various solution proposals introduced.