İkinci dile çeviri eğitimi: Değerlendirme, sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri.

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Denissova N.

LANGUAGE TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, cilt.1, sa.2, ss.187-202, 2018 (Hakemli Dergi)


The general belief that a competent translation can be made only into the native
language of a translator, and that translation into a non-native language would
inevitably be inferior was opened for the debates towards the end of the last
century. Several studies have demonstrated that this kind of translation has been, as
a matter of fact, quite widespread. In the first part of this study the position of
translation into L2 both in the world and in Turkey is briefly described and the data
indicate that translation into L2 is a solid reality of professional and educational
fields. The primary purpose of this paper is to present the translation quality
assessment checklist, used at Turkish-Russian Translation Course of Russian
Language and Literature BA program. The checklist includes four basic categories:
Accuracy, Style, Grammar and Format, with more specific subcategories in each
case. The results show the highest grades in categories of Accuracy and Format and
the lowest grades in (sub)categories of Grammar/Syntax, Grammar/Punctuation and
Style/Register. These results were interpreted within the EMT Translation
Competence Framework.