16th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition (PEMC), Antalya, Türkiye, 21 - 24 Eylül 2014, ss.805-810
Hilbert Huang Transform, which was suggested by Huang and improved by Flandrin and his group, is a new signal processing method. The analysis of nonlinear and non stationary signals can use HHT. This paper deals with the use of a HHT to detect and analyze voltage harmonics and flickers. In this method, the recorded harmonic signal and flicker signal are decomposed into Intrinsic Mode Functions using the Emprical Mode Decomposition. The frequency and amplitude of voltage harmonics and voltage flickers are obtained of IMF components by using Hilbert Transform HT. The clear success of EMD in defining envelope variations of a sinusoidal waveform has been the main motivation for the adoption of HHT in harmonic and flicker analysis. Simulations are performed over waveforms including voltage harmonics and voltage flickers. The waveforms are selected as pure sinusoids. Simulation results show that the suggested methodology constitutes a credible way to analyze voltage harmonics and voltage flickers.