Working environment preparation process of hearing impaired youths at higher education


Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, vol.2016, no.DecemberSpecialIssue, pp.1372-1378, 2016 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 2016 Issue: DecemberSpecialIssue
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Journal Name: Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.1372-1378
  • Keywords: Collaborative teaching, Hearing impaired individual, Preparing to workplaces, The school for the handicapped
  • Anadolu University Affiliated: Yes


© The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.For the development of a country, there is a need for qualified manpower and it can be provided by wellstructured learning environments. Also hearing impaired individuals need well-structured learning environments for taking place at working places independently, productively and effectively. In Turkey, Anadolu University, The School for the Handicapped is the only higher education institute that gives vocational education to hearing impaired youths. At the School for the Handicapped, to help to overcome difficulties arising from, inadequate language development and insufficient educational experiences of hearing impaired students and to prepare them to the workplaces, collaborative instruction carried out and also applications made as to the real purpose are systematically examined. One of the studies conducted for this purpose is “Preparation of Hearing Impaired Youths for the Working Places”. In this study, how the theoretical base of the courses structured in the framework of collaboration and experiences in a real work environment of hearing impaired college students are explained. The preparation of hearing impaired youths for the working places based on the cooperation of the vocational courses and for the real purpose by this structured learning environment seemed to be appropriate for taking place at working places independently, productively and effectively.