Photograph, which has a power to convince, can be used as a political propaganda tool. Before 'July 22, 2007 Elections', the political parties used photographs in their propaganda advertisements. In this article, advertisements of political parties which took part in the national press on July 21, 2007 were examined. Is the composition of the objects which are used in the photograph suitable for the aimed message? For this reason, the photographs were read from a seniotic point of view. 'Population' is the political parties. On the other hand, the 'sample' consists of the political parties which attended to the election and constituted groups in the parliament. Photographs have discourses which can be understood by any people who belong to different segments. Although the professions or gender are emphasized in the photographs, the messages should reach all the careerists or opposite sex with the same meaning, so the others can get the real message by feeling the world outside them. The photograph and the text together constitute a story in each party's propaganda advertisements. Therefore the images should be in a harmony with the voter's world or should show the voter's dreams about the future.