Signiicance and meaning is intrinsic to heritage places. Sometimes these meanings can only be read by local people. Anthropological and sociological research tries to understand the signiicance and meaning of heritage in places by following the mental maps of local people. Research is on-going in seven villages-neighbourhoods and provinces of Antalya and Burdur that are located by six ancient cities.In Antalya, there are Altınkaya (Selge), Kozan (Pednelissos), Haspınar (Pednelissos), Akkoç (Ariassos) villages and Kovanlık (Döşemeboğazı) province. In Burdur, Karaot (Sia) village and Kocaaliler (Melli) province are included in the research. In this paper, interviews with villagers from Altınkaya (Selge), Kozan (Pednelissos), Haspınar (Pednelissos), Akkoç (Ariassos), and Karaot (Sia) will be referred to. Discussion will be focused on a number of key areas. Firstly, the aesthetic value and cultural meaning of villages and archaeological sites. Secondly, how local people narrate and approach the ancient cities. Then a series of questions; can they form a collective understanding of the past? What are the symbolic as opposed to the more obvious meanings of heritage sites for them? How do they memorise the cultural landscape in the form of mental maps? And lastly, what are their indigenous and cultural values in relation to their heritage, and what is their position on the state, public, and archaeology ‘triangle’. In addition, their ideas about the environmental capacity of these places (both the village and the site), their sustainability, and their potential sustainable development will all be referred to