The messages produced by television, which performs an opinion-forming mission in the process the individual perceives the world he or she lives in, gives meaning to it, and develops new attitudes and behavior, possess a consequent significance particularly for news contents defined as 'the presentation of reality'. Violence as reflected on the screen with dramatizations, exceptional fictions, repeated images is sold and watched or either consumed easily for the sake of the TV producers. Since it is learned and imitated quite easily as behavior pattern violence as displayed in a news program which is suggested as 'presentation of the real' considered significant. Especially in the case of children as it's been researched and reported well often and documented in the past researches situation becomes more important. Since children is passive audience who can not discern between the fantasia/ fiction and the real they can easily perceive what they watch in the news as 'real' and they can develop an extensive world view over what they perceive to be real. This study aims to practice a descriptive analysis of how violence element, frequently and intensively observed in television newscasts over the last few years, is perceived and evaluated by children. To this end, a questionnaire was conducted on 203 children at elementary education level aged between 11 and 15. Within the light of the data gained, the study tries to report on the opinions and evaluations of children about news, in general, and the violence element in news specifically.