14th International Conference on Game Based Learning, ECGBL 2020, Brighton, England, 24 - 25 September 2020, pp.721-730
© ECGBL 2020.All right reserved.Interactive environments that exist in digital games are considered as a fun and effective medium for the transfer of educational content. Educational context makes it possible to transfer the approaches appropriately to the game environments i.e. in the context of the target audience by the use of pedagogical or androgogical basic assumptions. Although there are many studies in the literature on the realization of learning processes with digital game environment it is seen that the studies on how the format, colour and dimensional approaches of educational game design should be limited. In this study, a literature review was carried out for the use of colour and form elements, which are among the basic design elements in the process of educational computer game design. It has been found that the studies that can be taken as a result of the literature review conducted are included in the field of emotional design and that meaningful learning is accompanied by positive emotions. The effectiveness of colour and form for the existence of positive emotional state was investigated and the outputs were applied with the character and space designs of Papyrus educational computer game design. The transfer of the visual designs to the gaming environment involves a two-stage research process. The first stage of the process was carried out with the question of how visual perceptual variables are formed with dimensional differences. In this context, studies carried out in the field of neuropsychology that have been examined and analyzed for game asset development. The second stage was carried out on how the structuring of the navigation experience in the game should be structured without preventing educational transfers. The dimensional and perspective arrangements of the visual elements designed in this context were carried out by discussing LaMarre's theory of animation which studies Paul Virilio's cinematism theory and the published cartoons studies on the field of dramatology and it reveals a new perceptual approach based on Virilio's cinematicism approach. Hence, this study transferred the process of educational content in digital gaming environment on the basis of the principles presented within the scope of multimedia theory.