Seramik Türkiye Dergisi, cilt.41, ss.64-71, 2013 (Hakemli Dergi)
ABSTRACT Cameo glasses are objects obtained by winding two or more different color glasses on top of each other in layers. A thin contrasted low relief effect is derived by applying etching from the top towards the lower color layers. Starting with the Hellenistic Period, the relief effect was obtained by etching semi-precious stones like agate and onyx in such a way to relieve the color layers they contain. This method, in time, was transferred to glass; the effect created in semi-precious stones was imitated under the same name (cameo) in glass and perfect specimens were hence also obtained in glass. Cameo Glasses have become popular once glass makers learned how to wind one or more layers of different colors on top of each other with the discovery of hot glass blowing in Rome (50 B.C.). Various depth effects were created on the obtained glass through etching of each layer, applying cold glass processing techniques afterwards.In this work, the sand-blasting technique was applied to derive an effect similar to the relief effect seen in cameo glasses. To achieve the desired relief effect, multilayered glass surface was etched in stages, allowing formation of different color layers.
Keywords: Glass, low Relief, Cameo Glass, Sand-Blasting Technique, layer.