2. Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar ve Yenilikçi Çalışmalar Sempozyumu, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 2 - 05 Mart 2022, ss.1245-1246
Content marketing is a marketing communication tool that dates back to the 1900s. It can be
summarized as analyzing the needs of the target audience in line with the strategic marketing
objectives of the brand and then presenting the information that will be useful to the consumers.
The purpose of content marketing; rather than direct and instant selling, it is about building
brand loyalty and attracting potential new customers. Unlike traditional marketing approaches,
content marketing; It allows the creation of an interactive communication model with
consumers. A world of product category is created by the brand and content that informs
consumers is created. A long-term strategy is drawn up and addressed to a specific audience.
Content marketing has become one of the indispensable marketing communication tools of
brands with the development of the internet. Especially the intense content need arising from
social media dynamics has made content marketing more and more important day by day.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused not only a health crisis all over the world, but also a
global economic recession. Businesses operating in closed spaces where people are together
temporarily suspended their commercial activities as part of the fight against COVID-19. Gyms
are examples of these businesses. Gyms, which were looking for solution both to provide their
members with motivation to exercise at home during curfews and not to lose members during
the time they were closed due to the pandemic, had to reconsider their social media sharing and
content marketing efforts. In this study, social media posts of gym operators during the COVID-
19 pandemic are examined by content analysis method. Gym social media posts; the ways in
which it differs from the pre-pandemic period, the interaction rates of the posts during the
pandemic period, their performance in motivation and membership provision/protection are
analyzed. In the next phase of the research, in-depth interviews will be held with the gym