Turkish question answering - Question answering for distance education students

Yurekli B., Arslan A., ŞENEL H. G., YILMAZEL Ö.

3rd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Oporto, Portugal, 5 - 08 July 2008, pp.320-321 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Oporto
  • Country: Portugal
  • Page Numbers: pp.320-321
  • Keywords: question answering, text extraction, indexing, searching, metadata generation, information retrieval
  • Anadolu University Affiliated: Yes


This paper reports on our progress towards building a Turkish Question Answering System to be used by distance education students of Anadolu University. We have converted 205 electronic books in PDF format to text, extracted metadata from these documents. Currently we provide search capabilities over these documents. Details on problems we faced, and solutions we came up with are provided. We also outline our plan for continuing and implementing a full Question Answering system for this domain. We also present ways to automatically evaluate our system.