International Perspectives in Post-Covid Era, Bursa, Türkiye, 27 - 28 Mayıs 2022, ss.129-134
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) was first identified in December 2019 and it was declared as a global
pandemic in March 2020 by WHO. Countries all around the world followed strict protocols such as
complete or partial lockdowns, social distancing regulations, and curfews. All people in the world
were affected and especially education was interrupted. More than 1.5 billion learners of all ages
from around the globe were affected due to school and university closures during COVID-19
(UNESCO, 2020; UNICEF, 2020). There were many challenges people faced such as isolation from
friends, family and social groups so they felt more stressed. Covid 19 started a new era in education
because everything became online. Consequently, to ensure the continuity of education, emergency
remote education (ERE) was put in practice in varying delivery modes; learners have suddenly
needed to direct and regulate their own learning and become digitally savvy; educators have had to
switch to online teaching overnight regardless of their comfort level, familiarity, and training in
digital pedagogies, and parents have had to morph into dual roles as parent-educators (Bozkurt et
al., 2020).
This paper will briefly mention about emergency remote education (ERE) and distance language
education, higher education during the pandemic in Turkey, problems encountered during
emergency remote education (ERE) and distance education, and emergency remote education
(ERE) and distance education stages in one of the government universities and what was done in
order to ensure teacher and student wellbeing.