Meslekle Erken Tanışma Etkinliği Olarak Staj

Abalı G., Kaya Z., Özten Anay M., Uzuner Y., Karasu G.

Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Illinois, United States Of America, 18 - 21 May 2016

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Illinois
  • Country: United States Of America
  • Anadolu University Affiliated: Yes


One of the important problems of hearing-impaired students at university level vocational education programs is that insufficient awareness about their profession. To increase this awareness, various activities could be developed and applied utilizing action research methodology.

Suggested poster presentation involves the activities conducted to answer the question “which opportunities can be created to gain students experience about work life and workplaces in education process?” appears in problem definition step. This study is part of an ongoing research, which aims to increase awareness of students about after graduation at Anadolu University, The School for the Handicapped, which is the only university level school for hearing-impaired students in Turkey.

It is believed that the results of the poster presentation will provide vision for teachers of hearing-impaired students and experts, who work in configuration of vocational education programs for hearing-impaired students.