The Effects of System Interactions to the Natural Evolution of U Gem within the Context of X-Ray Data Analysis

Altan M., Ayyildiz O., Hamza C., Kartal S. U., ÖZKAN M. T.

Workshop on the Evolution of Compact Binary Stars, Vina-Del-Mar, Chile, 6 - 11 May 2011, vol.447, pp.277-278 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 447
  • City: Vina-Del-Mar
  • Country: Chile
  • Page Numbers: pp.277-278
  • Anadolu University Affiliated: Yes


In this study, we have undertaken an analysis of Chandra data of the dwarf nova type cataclysmic variable U Gem during quiescence and outburst. The data of U Gem, number 647 and 3767, which were obtained by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory on November 29, 2000 and December 26, 2002 were analysed in terms of flux matching and spectra overlapping. The evolution of the X-ray spectrum variation at very short periods was investigated. We discuss how situations that result from interaction are affected by the natural evolution of the system's attributes.