A control method for timed distributed continuous Petri nets

Apaydin-Özkan H., Júlvez J., Mahulea C., Silva M.

Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, ACC 2010, ss.2593-2600, 2010 (Scopus) identifier


A timed distributed continuous Petri net system (DcontPN) is composed of several subsystems which communicate through channels modeled by places. In this work, a reachability control problem for DcontPNs composed of two subsystems is considered. An algorithm is developed to calculate the control inputs for each subsystem. The application of the obtained control inputs drives the subsystems from the initial states to the target states in a finite amount of time. The algorithm allows the subsystems to reach their respective target markings at different time instants and keep them as long as required. © 2010 AACC.