Virtual Design Studio and Web Applications for e-Learning


4th International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, Venice, Italy, 24 - 28 May 2009, pp.545-548 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Doi Number: 10.1109/iciw.2009.88
  • City: Venice
  • Country: Italy
  • Page Numbers: pp.545-548
  • Keywords: virtual design studio, web, education
  • Anadolu University Affiliated: Yes


The collaborative opportunities among universities thanks to European Credit Transfer System_ ECTS credit system and ERASMUS, SOCRATES etc., point to global studios for educational purposes. The virtual design studio can be considered a sample for future virtual design studios and disciplinary/interdisciplinary interactions that is the provision of a highly interactive studio environment independent of time and place. There are three main cognitive and professional interests field-politic in accordance with the globalization process in architectural education: These are design, construction and productivity of knowledge. According to this approach, the needs of reaching the environment which have the better quality are being appeared more important including the interaction of professions. The correct commentary of globalization is being provided by using a good communication. At this point of view, having the benefits of Information Technology -IT- in all universities and schools are providing us better educational quality for professional degree.