Word Frequency Measuring Dictionary A solution?

Creative Commons License

Başaran B.

Contemporary Online Language Education , vol.5, no.1, pp.26-32, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 5 Issue: 1
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Journal Name: Contemporary Online Language Education
  • Journal Indexes: Other Indexes
  • Page Numbers: pp.26-32
  • Anadolu University Affiliated: Yes


What happens if you take ten - for instance. Icelandic - words of seven letters and a card game with 21 cards in front so that some words will be seen often then you mix the cards and open 11 cards which word do you will remember? The most seen one? This might be only a very weak example for foreign language teaching experunents but it also contams very' important facts. Those facts can be used to make foreign language teaching How to select the right words, and how to collect the word frequency of a specific group. The Common European Framework Program for Teaching Languages (CEFR), covers foreign language teaching and learning levels of language proficiency, validated criteria and mcludes a table of mdicators (see Common European Language Framework Classification). Roughly speaking, tins classification, assessment and reference system is for all the languages specified. This overall state of the reference system consists of diree root levels:
- Basic user (levels A1 and A2)
- Independent user (levels B1 and B2)
- Competent user (levels Cl and C2) [1],
Technology is helping teachers to effectively manage modem classrooms and also offers new
standards. We are witness of the transformation occurring in education today and the mcreasmgly
desire to brmg digital advances into foreign language teachmg. In diis respect a digital solution m the
form of a digital dictionary' will help to select die used specific words by learner groups and also the
word frequency. This expose will give an example plan for die project called “ Lexika”. Lexika is a
Turkish- German German-Turkish dictionary application with a web platform side, which will be
used for data collection.
This paper aims to demonstrate the perspective and usage of the Lexika-Project. Lexika is developed
with the support of die Anadolu University' Scientific Research Projects Funds and Department of
Foreign Language Faculty' of Education Program in German.
Keywords: Word frequency; Lexika; Digital Dictionary'; Common European Framework Program;
Language Skills; Web platform. Technology m Education; Digital Learning Platform and Tools;
Teaching Infomiationizatiou Equipment and its Management.