OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, cilt.8, sa.15, ss.1696-1715, 2018 (Hakemli Dergi)
In his study, the Strategy of Interiorization of the Shelter Operation program applied by Federal Government of Brazil together with United Nation agencies to deal with the Venezuelans refugees is investigate. In seven years, the number of request for refuge in Brazil increased 951% as result of the war in Syria, Global Migration Crisis and Venezuela Situation. In 2017, the register of the National Committee for Refugees reached 92.000 Venezuelans crossing the Brazilian border. The over-population in the border cities created a humanitarian emergency and, as consequences, new laws and national emergencies programs. In the investigation, the content analysis was used to describe literature research. In the content analysis, similar data from defined themes were collected and interpreted. The study observed deep alterations in the behaviour of the migratory phenomenon and its consequences in Brazil. From 2018, with references migratory laws, the country is ready to receive more refugees and balance its foreigner percentage is respect to the world.