Effects of Most to Least Prompting on Teaching Simple Progression Swimming Skill for Children with Autism

YILMAZ İ., Konukman F., Birkan B., Yanardag M.

EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, vol.45, no.3, pp.440-448, 2010 (SSCI) identifier identifier


Effects of most to least prompting on teaching simple progression swimming skill for children with autism were investigated. A single subject multiple baseline model across subjects with probe conditions was used. Participants were three boys, 9 years old. Data were collected over a 10-week with session three times a week period using the single opportunity method as an intervention. Results indicated that all the boys increased their simple progression swimming skill significantly during intervention phase. In addition, participants maintained their successful skills during first, second and fourth week of generalization phases. Results showed that most to least prompting was an effective way of increasing and maintaining simple progression swimming skill of children with autism.